It has been found that more and more people are looking for property for sale in in Menorca. There are plenty of benefits you have when planning to buy a property in Menorca Find the right sale objects For property for sale in Menorca there are plenty of objects to look at. You can then make a decision which property suits you best and which fits into the budget that you would like to spend on a property in Menorca. What are the benefits of property for sale in Menorca If you are planning to buy a property in Menorca, there are many nice benefits associated with it. The climate is beautiful. In Menorca you have more than 300 days of sun to enjoy. It has lovely warm summers but it doesn’t get too hot. The average temperature is around 29 degrees Celsius. Menorca also has mild winters with plenty of sunny days. You can quietly go for a walk, play golf or cycle. House prices are also quite low due to the crises. Prices are quite stable and in certain areas prices are starting to rise again. But on average, the prices of houses are more than 20 percent lower than in Ibiza or Mallorca. Also safety in Menorca is much better than in other places. Crime is much lower here. You have friendly neighbors who are always ready to help you with anything. The people on Menorca are also very friendly. They are not pushy people and they are very humble. Of course you can also enjoy nature in Menorca. Since 1993, UNESCO has declared Menorca a biosphere reserve. So if you are looking for a property for sale in Menorca, you will certainly find what you are looking for. For more information go to |